BioTechMed-Graz Symposium
We cordially invite you to the 14th ASEM Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy. This yearly meeting of the Austrian Society for Electron Microscopy strives to be a forum for exchanging ideas among electron microscopists from diverse fields. We welcome life scientists, material scientists, physicists and chemists both from industry and academic institutions. A special focus is set on active contributions by young scientists.
Thanks to the sponsors the workshop is free of charge for all members of the ASEM. The ASEM offers grants to young scientists that cover travel and accommodation costs (maximal € 200; for detailed information contact

Keynote Lecture
Univ. Prof. Dr. Simone Pokrant, Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Beam sensitive samples in material science and the link to TEM in biological sciences
BioTechMed-Graz Lecture
Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter Hinterdorfer, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Single Molecule and High Speed Atomic Force Microscopy in Viral Research.
The workshop will be held in Lecture Hall 2 of the New Medical Campus Graz complex:
Medical University of Graz, Neue Stiftingtalstraße 6 West, Main Entrance.
How to get there:
- look at the location on google maps
- By public transport: Tram line 7 from Hauptbahnhof or from the city center: Alight at the terminal (LKH Med Uni Klinikum Nord) and take the path towards the right.
- By Car, turn into „Neue Stiftingtalstraße“ from Riesstraße. The main entrance is on the right side of the road. There is a public garage on the left side of the road.
Registration and Abstract Submission
Registration and Abstract Submission will be open until February 23, 2024.
Register here.
Conference Schedule
Abstract Booklet
Conference Dinner
On April 4 from 19 h, all participants are invited to dinner at Landhauskeller. Please do not forget to register for the conference dinner under, it only takes a few seconds! Deadline for the dinner registration is March 27.
Reception Times
Reception times are, 9:30 to 18:00 on Thursday and 8:30 to 16:00 on Friday
mug-event is free of charge and available in and around the lecture hall.
Contributed Talks
Contributed talks and talks by the sponsors are for 10 min with an additional 2 min for discussion.
Poster numbers 1-20 can be put up on Thursday between 9:30 and 18:00; numbers 21-40 on Friday between 8:30 and 15:00. Poster board size is A0. Pins for mounting the posters are provided.
Hotel Information
There are numerous hotels in various price categories in the area that can be booked on the Graz Tourismus web page.
Hotel Gollner is close to tramline 7 and offers a special deal for 112,00 € for a basic single room (including breakfast), or 122,00 € for a single business room (including breakfast). Please book directly with the hotel and mention „Medical University of Graz“ if you book this deal.
Parkhotel can be booked for 139,50 € for an economy single room including breakfast, or 169,50 € for a superior single room including breakfast if you book directly and mention „Medical University of Graz“.
Organising Team
Assoz. Prof. Dr. Gerd Leitinger, Medical University of Graz
Priv. Doz. Dr. Dagmar Kolb, Medical University of Graz
Ao. Prof. Dr. Günther Zellnig, Karl Franzens University of Graz
Ass. Prof. Dr. Edith Stabentheiner, Karl Franzens University of Graz
Ass. Prof. Dr. Johannes Liesche, Karl Franzens University of Graz
Univ. Prof. Dr. Gerald Kothleitner, University of Technology Graz
Ao. Prof. Dr. Werner Grogger, University of Technology Graz
the organising team can be contacted under



